Monday, October 25, 2010

A Weight Loss Milestone Reached

I didn't sleep well after suffering through the worst moment in Broncos history yesterday, but this morning brought welcome news. When I stepped on the scale, I saw 190 pounds, on the nose.

This is a major milestone for me. When I set out on the Primal Blueprint, I set goals based on various fat percentage measurements (none of which are perfect). One of the goals was hitting 190 pounds, which represents a "healthy" or "normal" body fat percentage for me. Admittedly, I don't know exactly what my body fat percentage is, and the ranges out there in the medical world are general, but this was obviously a major milestone. I've essentially gone from being obese to being overweight to now being a normal weight. All since August. I'm pretty happy.

It is also the goal weight I wanted to reach before going back to the doctor for a follow-up glucose test. I'll be making that appointment in a week or two.

To get here, I had to deal with the inevitable case of "carb creep." My weight loss stalled for a couple of weeks before I even realized that my carbs had crept up near the 100 gram mark per day. Not every day, but on average it crept up. An extra few beers on the weekend, a little more dark chocolate in the afternoon, a few "unprimal" sauces on meats, and suddenly I was struggling. Nothing huge, but it added up. Once I started counting the carbs again, the weight started going down. It's a good reminder that carbs absolutely count, and the right level for me is still low, probably due to stubborn insulin resistance.

There are still milestones ahead. With another ten pounds, my apnea-hypoapnea index is predicted to start dropping. Essentially, I could potentially cure my sleep apnea if it is in fact the typical apnea linked to body fat percentage.

But today, I'll enjoy this milestone. I'm happy that I'm still losing weight, still eating well, still hitting milestones. It's important to feel good about reaching major goals, especially after feeling horrible about the damn Broncos. Maybe I could teach McDaniels a few things about walking the walk.

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