Thursday, September 30, 2010

End of Month Reflections

September was the second month on the Primal Blueprint, and it coincided with the 30 day Primal Challenge on Looking at my weight from a month ago, I've lost 7 1/2 pounds this month, nearly 2 pounds a week. I would say that it's been a successful month. A couple of keys to the success were:

1. Doing some of the challenges on marksdailyapple. Entering the contests (didn't win any) helped keep my excitement up while I adjusted to the new lifestyle.

2. An intermittent fast last week. It helped me break through my first plateau. It was a 19 hour fast, and I'll do another one probably next week. It was tough mentally, but I think it was great physically and also spiritually (what do you know, there is something to meditation while fasting).

3. Continuing to source clean food. I found grass fed beef at Sprouts, Whole Foods, and the CC Farmer's market. I found pastured eggs at Whole Foods. The more places I can "forage," the better chance I've got to stick to the blueprint.

After this second month, I'm proud to report that my craving for Diet Soda has drastically decreased, and I had no problem pawning off a piece of office birthday cake on a coworker. It's getting easier to go without grains, sugars, and sweeteners.

I've got one more month until my follow-up blood glucose test. That'll serve as motivation to continue my quest for real food. I'm aware that historically November and December are my big weight-gaining months, so I want to make sure I not only lose weight in October, but prepare myself for the winter ahead, stock up on good freezer items (beef/veggies/berries) so I have good food on hand, and brainstorm ways to stay active when the temperature drops.

But today, I'll celebrate 7 1/2 pounds of real weight lose this month. Good job me!

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